
C.I.A. Culinary is a division of the University of Pittsburgh’s very own Creative Integration of the Arts. The culinary arts division of C.I.A. is comprised of a group of amateur chefs and foodies who are responsible for everything delicious that comes out of the organization as a whole.


“Six years ago, ‘Clever Integration of the Arts’ was founded by Jamie Thomson at Warwick High School in Lititz, Pennsylvania to create a novel venue for students to showcase their artwork. The ‘venue’ was called the ‘Fusion Coffeehouse’–an event which incorporates a cooperative effort from arts across the curriculum. Participants included visual artists, culinary artists, musicians, writers, dancers, comedians, actors–any creative stretch of the artistic imagination.

Creative Integration of the Arts at the University of Pittsburgh seeks to employ a diversity of arts and will function not only as an opportunity for performance experience and exposure for students but also as a community for artists to meet each other, network, and learn from each other.

Finally, Creative Integration of the Arts asserts the importance of art in the development of a rich society, the cultivation of a healthy academic environment, and the fulfillment of the individual. Appreciation and exposure to the arts begins at a young age, and it is part of the responsibility of the public education system to ensure that young minds have access to a significant art program in their local schools. It will be the mission of Creative Integration of the Arts to help this vision come to fruition not only by providing a venue for artists’ exposure and an event to attract people to the arts, but also by using the proceeds from its events and mobilizing its membership to support and improve existing art curricula and build art curricula in schools that lack it around Pittsburgh.

Help this vision become a reality. Lend your talents–join Creative Integration of the Arts, and help shape the future of art in Pittsburgh!”

Want to meet us in person? CIA meets every week on Thursday at 8:30 PM in 5404 Posvar Hall.  Join us!


Other CIA Pages:
CIA Music
CIA Visual Arts
CIA Writing

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